(no subject)

Dec 26, 2010 19:02

O sweet readers -- I just LOST 6-7 paragraphs I was preparing to post for you! I'm still forced to use my BlackBerry -- Joanne's sis doesn't have wi-fi and has discouraged us from using her computer.

Worse still, I'd confected a salacious account of steamy sex with Joanne -- and you delicious readers know just how RARE such an event is for us these days!

She'd bought me some luscious panties to stuff my Christmas stocking (albeit a fictitious stocking, since we didn't bring the traditional ones on this trip). I wore a sexy pink pair yesterday, and slept in them -- awakening to Joanne, already showered and dressed, coming into our room.

We cuddled a bit, me wriggling as sexily as I knew how, and thanked her for the panties. (She normally ignore my attempts at seduction.) She rubbed them over my pussy teasingly, then turned into her old sadist self -- tweaking my perky nipples and provoking me to shiver and stifle a delicious moan.

"Quiet, we'll wake everyone!" she commanded.

She twisted my already tender nipples again, I writhed in exquisite agony, and she teased me about not being as good a subbie as I once was.

"You could stand much more than this [another sharp tweak -- oooh!] and even THIS [her nails sharply across each breast!]N you silly girl!"

She pulled the panties down and delivered a pair of sharp spanks that made me tingle all over. "Oh, no more of that. We'll wake the household!"

But she returned to mauling my breasts, as she used to do quite often. I wiggled, twisted -- conspicuously NOT escaping from the delicious torture. (Now I know just EXACTLY what it was that Bellatrix did to Hermione in the new Harry Potter film I reviewed here a couple of days ago!)

Anyway, joanne continued to scratch and tweak my nipples until I was near-consumed with amazing sensations! Then she stopped, saying I should be content with the pain until TONIGHT! And I was NOT to pleasure myself or make myself cum until then. "Including in the shower," sending me off.

And I AM behaving. She went off to church with her sis and brother-in-law, having kindly made my excuses for me not going. (She privately thanked me for going with her and them yesterday -- maybe her ravaging me was also by way of thanks...)

Sooo, kindly readers, you have a VERY contented femme to be your hostess this morn!

hot sex, playing rough, sore nipples, panties

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