How i View Blogging

Dec 26, 2010 05:09

With new friends on LJ, it's always interesting to see what we say as we come to know each other. I mean, you faithful readers pretty much know who I am and what pushes my buttons -- but, as I see when reading someone else's LJ new to me,
people come to discussing "sex & relationships"
With differing sensibilities. (I still have a hard time spelling out what I mean by the PW ratings -- which, at various moments, readers indicate they like it, a "turn-on quotient" or whatever...)

Anyhow, I just wrote someone about the blog, and it seemed some readers might find the ideas of interest.


"...Please do spend a little time on my blog, since you'll see some good stuff sporadically. Sometimes my theme of "intriguing girls from Flickr" may seem a bit jejeune, or even dull -- but, usually, there's something kinky going on a bit beneath the surface.

"Unlike tumblr and its ilk, I always get the Flickr members' approval of me using specific photos, and I am careful not to interpret them further than they've volunteered on their Flickr profiles or their sub-captions (heck, I don't use what they say privately in Flickrmail to me, since my LJ is NOT friends-only).

"And I generally say more about my soft-subbie self than I do about others' kinks. (If you wanna know some of that [spanking, handcuffs, and LOTS of curiosity about slavery and wilder stuff], just scroll back a few weeks -- including the comments on the posts.) Gosh, please just ask me, in a comment -- even if the post you're responding to is only tangentially ABOUT your interests..."

sex, blogging, handcuffs, slavery, pw, s/m

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