Before & After

Oct 08, 2010 12:06

Before & After, originally uploaded by Becca Ashbourne.
Becca reports she"spent so long correcting Second Life's deficiencies on this pic that I thought I'd post a 'Before & After pic'
(Actually, the original is on the right so I guess this is really an 'After & Before' pic)."

Yes, lovely readers, I clearly WILL find ways to keep showing you delicious femmes, with women in exquisite control of all the techie details. And Flickr's "police" evidently ONLY fret about real-people nudity and cavorting. How erotic does SL get? Well, one of Becca's friends, "Larry B," does a sizzling domme named Aden --

PW 79 (ah, the two lovelies are not cartoons, and they are hot -- so I'm working with Becca here, giving the girl on the left [corrected] the max 40 points; her-near twin [uncorrected] is docked 1 point. That work for everybody?)

corrected, bra, dancer

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