Sexy Librarian II

Oct 08, 2010 11:58

Sexy Librarian II, originally uploaded by Becca Ashbourne.
Becca (whom I introduced last night as Suzy's SL pal -- they get a kick out of posting similar creations) shows off her incredible talent as a salacious Second Life artist.

As a caption to this one (like Suzy's I just put up), Becca joked:
"Suzy as the sexy librarian from the 'Empowered' comics. Hats off to you honey -- you did an amazing job with the outfit and look every bit as scrummy as Emp does."

Becca is from the UK -- you doubting readers should know that "scrummy" is NOT a mean thing to say -- it's short for "scrumptuous."

She writes that she digs "taking snapshots in virtual worlds and sharing them..." How that works is beyond me -- but as long as they are as hot as hers I think it is a fine enthusiasm to have.

She also notes: "My photostream is part photoblog and part portfolio, so expect to see variable quality. Well, that's my excuse. Ha ha."

PW 36 (hmmm, calls for a tricky judgment on the "multiple-model" rule -- which I finesssed on Suzy's similar piece -- and I'm thinking to disallow the obvious cartoon, even though Bob [eqfe] was aroused by thye Suzy version's exquisite ass.)

empowered, comics, librarian

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