You'll Never Know

Sep 18, 2010 09:12

You'll Never Know, originally uploaded by Anxiety Explosion.
We've previously enjoyed the tantalizing work of "Anxiety," an interesting girl from Italy, the beautiful and historic city of Siena.

Just to re-introduce her for a moment, her Flickr profile concludes in a crescendo:

"...I have a lot of tattoos, I like expensive clothes, I can't stand [someone] who screams for no reason,** I don't like beer, I read a lot, I think too much, I have odd dreams, I talk to my dog, I'm left-handed, I can't walk on heels and right now I don't want a boyfriend."

A girlfriend, perhaps?

The title here is intriguing, especially since she sub-captions "It's all my fault."

No, it ISN'T, sweetie! If (as I presume) you are referring to a love affair, it's almost never one person's fault. COUPLES have a dynamic, an interplay that builds over time, for better or worse.

Example: A lover told me this intimate thing, oh, months ago -- I took it badly then, but I have thought about the thing and about HER reaction to my taking it badly... And of course it depends on who SHE is and who I am -- both our histories, definitely including who we were BEFORE we met.

I've been a submissive all my life, I suppose, but only Joanne, my SigOther, really understood that -- and she taught me how much I needed to explore it. Which we joyously did for several thrilling years. She, for her part, had to have that control over a lover -- including OUTSIDE the sexual sphere. I was okay about that, too, except for some aspects of me outside the bedroom.

And that was the difficulty: I'm a skeptic about religion -- going back to how badly my once-devout mother was treated by her church because of my agnostic dad. All of that duly told to the quite-religious SigOther years ago -- not that she fully accepted that as a fact.

Whose fault?

Nobody's, right? The girl who understands me better than any previous lover -- well, the damned religion has got between us, despite both of us genuinely trying to avoid exactly that.

Nobody's fault.

PW 40 (oh, yes, "Anxiety," your sexuality definitely summons my own!)

** "chi urla a caso" is her original phrase -- and the English corresponds. I have no idea what her reason for saying this might be -- though it sure could account for the anxiety.

anxiety, fault, lovers

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