Sep 14, 2010 05:29
I thought I'd alert you gentle readers to a problem I'm having with my laptop -- a virus attack (or whatever) that I may have nipped in the bud.
In January, the last time something like this happened, I was cautioned not to fool with the mysterious "security" messages that suddenly invaded the screen. So, now, I was able to run Norton's scan and the thing reported there'd been an attack, which it allegedly stopped. But the nasty messages were still up on the screen after I re-booted...
My Sig-Other insists, in her devoutly non-techie way, that we leave it be until we can show it to a friend who's good at that stuff. As it happens, we head for our place in Florida this weekend, where we'll see her.
Anyhow, what with my other problems with Sig-Other (see my comment just now on the "Photobucket" posting, a propos of birthdays), I must apologize about not having any new photos posted here -- and presumably none for the next week or so. (Unless I can dope out how to post them using this BBerry, which seems dubious...)
Meanwhile, if any of you tech-savvy readers have any ideas, please let me know!
computer shit