
Jul 22, 2010 19:33

img-242, originally uploaded by C. Daunis.
I just HAD to get this recent shot by our extraordinary friend Chris to show to you discriminating readers -- or, rather, TWO of his recent erotic works.

Now, as to the particular pleasures prompted by this pose, perhaps a bit awkward looking to the casual viewer. (Ah, if one COULD just ever so casually view such a delicious tableau!) Our sweet model's wrists are shackled to her ankles, evidently because she was a BAD girl in some way or other.

Umm, one wonders just what bad thing would have prompted such a severe punishment...and what ELSE might happen to her as both she AND he get tired/bored with her just standing there. A spanking or whipping? A dildo? Some other indecent approach to her oh-so-vulnerable derriere?

Anyone have any ideas, possibly incuding putting her onto a comfy bed? And then...?!

PW 40 (oh, my, yes! -- umm, actually, I'm imagining that I was the defenseless girl so fetchingly exposed/tormented by a girlfriend -- sorry, Chris, you're NOT in my fantasy...)

handcuffs, derriere, punishment

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