"Hope you like the view!"

Jul 21, 2010 21:16

Stocking tops and butt, originally uploaded by NatashaReveals2.
That's Natasha's sub-caption, which is sorta sexier -- to me -- than the "butt" reference. (I think it's a bit more delicate in England than the word seems to me, here in the US of A. The Frogs perhaps got the sexiness of it far better with "La derriere"...)

Anyway, this shot strikes me as unusual in its artistic approach -- the whiteness of her lovely derriere actually disappears into the white background. Not that I WANT it to vanish, goddess knows! But it is an intriguing statement in sheer creative terms.

PW 40 (YES! The maximum rating in my shambling little numbers game!)

derriere, natasha

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