
May 09, 2010 15:35

Hallelujah, originally uploaded by ♥ Sabrina Dacos ♥.
While wandering on the Flickr of "frugal instinct," just now, I saw this shot among her favorites. It's by a delicious girl named Sabrina -- whom you dedicated readers will recall from March, when she turned up among Tangolarina's Muses.

Well, back then, she had kindly offered that I could use her photos without clearing in advance -- so I jumped at the chance to connect to the SINGLE bloggable shot of frugal's current collection. (Much of the collection seems to be under wraps while Sophie is away.)

This is pretty bold of Sabrina -- usually, the masturbation is going on among the viewers, or at least THIS viewer, truth be told! (But, then again, who says it's NOT?)

I DO adore the way she's breathing through her mouth -- moaning as well, I'd say. Pretty close, too...

BTW Sabrina has a luxurious new book of her erotic self-portraits out, and you eager readers might want to have a look at it for your coffee-table. (Believe me, it'll get your guests into a lovely mood...) http://www.blurb.com/bookstore/detail/1277592/?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=banner&utm_content=280x160

PW 35 (YES, only the second girl to get a prized "35" rating, and deserving of every hard-fought point! Now my fingers are going to be occupied by something other than typing...)

breasts, thong, hands

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