
Mar 16, 2010 09:58

Underwater, originally uploaded by Stefy_Bionda.
I've got a weakness for underwater shots of prettty girls, sometimes naked, sometimes minimally dressed, as here.

This shot of herself is by a cute Italian girl named Stephani ("bionda" is Italian for blonde). I don't know much about her (the Flickr profile is minimal...), but she is from the north of the country (from the context of some photos) and has several gorgeous girlfriends (ditto!).

My Sig-Other and I are going to Italy (among our favorite places since ever!) for a month in May and June, house-guesting with friends who have rented a villa in Tuscany. We'll also go with an archeoplogist acquaintance for an extended visit to Pompei (kind of the non-tourist stuff). The rest of the month is -- deliciously-- open, though some will definitely be in Rome.

PW 26 (that certainly IS a tiny bikini!)


under water

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