Today's WashPost and last night's Rachel on MSNBC

Nov 07, 2019 14:00

I think things have begin to break apart over at Casa Trumpsky. Today's papers -- and last night's TV news -- 9are chock-full of articles reflecting disintegration of his ramshackle defenses:

-- top headline: "Another envoy says Ukraine aid tied to [Kiev] inquries," reporting the released 324-page Taylor testimony a week ago and him leading off next week's public hearing for the House impeachment.

-- a separate piece on AG Barr's hushed-up "demurral" six weeks ago regarding Trumpsky's quiet (and illicit) request to "hold a press conference" and pronounce him innocent of abuse of power over Ukraine. DOJ "sought some distance from the White House," not least on the pending impeachment case.

-- a front-page photo of Roger Stone at his DC perjury trial, brought by the Mueller inquiry; the prosecutor yesterday linked Stone to Trump in 2016 Russia help to campaign -- and the bastard HAS to connect this with DOJ likewise distancing itself in various pending cases (think Giuliani!).

-- over in the Post's economic section, a lead article on how the Ukraine gas company was struggling to overcome corruption that led to the whole Trump/Giuliani mess.

ALL OF THIS SHIT substantiates my strong feeling that impeschment WILL take Trumpsky out of power. I predict he will be unable to contest the 2020 election. He chose to "ride the tiger" -- lying his ass off and sucking up to Putin -- and he will pay the price. He will be the Nixon of the 21st century.

badnews, cheesy, international politics, break-up, anti-ripoffs, manipulation, bitch, knowing look, politics strange bedfellows, afraid no more, hoist on petard

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