Per the Wall Street Journal Website, Emmanuel Macron has WON the hugely important French presidential electiobs today. Thus, the crazy tide of the 2016 electoral aberrations seems to be abating, and the good guys are regaining the democratic (small-d!) high ground. With any luck, Brexit, Trump and India's PM Modi (he won in 2015) will indeed be the only successes for the maddening populist and nationalist onslaught.
Moreover, the dastardly Russian meddling in other countries' elections has now failed, despite repeating the outrageous behavior seen in Trump's campaign here.
Also, hopefully, this will STIFFEN the spines of our Congress's fainthearted Dems and a few honest Repubs (damned few, if Thursday's Obamacare travesty is ANY indication), pushing the investigations of Russian electoral meddling. In short, we GOTTA take down Trumpsky now, and -- incidentally -- tell the Russkies to go fuck themselves.