Ubuntu operating system

Jan 16, 2016 10:34

I just confected a comment to an LJ friend about a tech subject -- and I think, perhaps, the info might be useful to other chums here. She had written me about what she and her girlfriends do about their data communications.

Have I got a DEAL for you! After ineptly losing my own Windows op-system two years ago, I was delighted with a friend's suggestion that I use an "open-source" (hence FREE, unlike Windows and its ilk) op-system called Ubuntu. (That's a Swahili word, I think -- but I don't recall what it means.)

So he helped me set it up, downloading it easily (at least that was my impression) from the Web. I've used it since then, and am so pleased with it. It's reasonably secure (my friend's reason for liking it), and its tech back-up seems excellent. It politely notifies me when there are upgrades available (seemingly every few weeks), allowing me to proceed OR to defer it until more convenient. Windows, on the other hand, brusquely interrupts one's thought processes by demanding to upgrade "on the spot," as it were.

It even integrates FireFox for browsing, and seems to work well with email and other functions. My blogging frustration in the past week wasn't caused by the Ubuntu system, but rather by (1) the limited compatibility of Verizon broadband (to which I subscribe when in Washington) and the ComCast equivalent (Verizon isn't available here in Florida); and (2) my own severe tech limits (about which I've been pointedly candid here over the years).

Anyhow, it's just a thought -- but you might run the idea by your tech guru to see whether they've heard about Ubuntu.

public -- yay!, sharing, the blog experience, damned

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