Intriguing blog on Tumblr

Sep 04, 2015 09:11
I just tripped across this tumblr, featuring the "lumberjack esthetic" of a multi-talented trans guy, who began life as a girl -- a gender correction acknowledged more often of late, it seems (Katelyn Jenner to the contrary notwithstanding*).

I toss it in here, in case any readers might want to explore what seems a fascinating blog, linked to a BUNCH of other fascinating blogs. (I might note that the tags below are wild-assed beyond my usual "old tags" game; that's BECAUSE my collection is from 5-6 years ago** and can't be expanded to words like "trans" -- my bad.)

Meanwhile, I'm returning to Scarlett!

* I always wanted to use "to the contrary not..." -- a phrasing I've occasionally seen, but NEVER had occasion to use. Thanks, Bruce!

** As I've often mentioned, I set up a few hundred tags back then, but LJ foiled me by limiting tags to paying members. Last year I discovered my old list still functions, and connects to my old LJ posts... though I can only use the stock of tags which I'd had. So, as they say, "catch as catch can."

One of them I had grabbed back then was "foop"... as in "one swell foop" (which Wiki describes as "a spoonerism for the Shakespearean phrase 'one fell swoop,' famously [but not first] spoken by the tongue-twisted Peter Sellers character in the 1964 movie The Pink Panther").

life in general, lit-crit, foop, rambling thoughts

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