Jan 06, 2014 09:34

Whilst trying to recover a half-finished* post, I happened across an interest group that I'd launched a long time ago -- years, probably, but I don't recall. It has the quite-personal title, "Lesbian Submissives" -- but absolutely nothing else whatsoever! Evidently I never pursued it -- not even to post a reference to it here.

Checking to see who might have inspired me to do it, I clicked on "friends" there -- seeing ONLY my own posts (as, of course, with ALL "friend" designations in LJ).

Well, THAT was a downer! An interest group with only ME in it. Sheesh!

So I thought I'd at least toss it out here, see if any of you delicious LJ pals wanted to JOIN ME there. Obviously you don't have to BE a lez or a subbie, much less a lesbian submissive --just get me out of my lonely exile...


* It was to the delightful "bad girl" (speaking of your generic blog-names!), and it rejoiced in finding no fewer than 16 SHARED licentious "interests" on her and my User Info pages. I lost three paragraphs of text because I clicked BACK to check some detail and then, unthinkingly, clicked something else! Don't you just HATE that sinking feeling?!

subbie, justine, badnews, philosophical

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