Welcome to Burlesque

Sep 08, 2013 16:43

Welcome to Burlesque, a photo by Becca Ashbourne on Flickr.
This sexy creation by Becca Ashbourne is, I think, from last February. She was going to a party, and worked up her burlesque costume on SL. Her longtime pal/crush, Suzy, immediately commented: "where are the photos of you dancing?" Alas, there don't seem to be any surviving shots!

But I somehow had missed this new-ish shot in my periodic visits to Becca's Flickr. We exchanged news in August when I had the notion of posting one of Suzy's old shots -- but she didn't indicate that she had posted anything recent.

Finding them today, I got her permission just now to show you lovely readers these two photos -- she agreed, but wrote that her creativity had run thin of late.

She did say she was in current touch with Suzy, her accomplice in such incredible naughtiness on SL (if you can imagine whips and chains among avatars) -- and their still schmoozing together pleases me sooo much!


I don't know you you girls are aware of my little game, involving tags I created several years ago -- but only started using recently. In short, I make up no new tags (LJ's arbitrary limit for us cheapskates), but find revelations small and large in the old ones. I don't recall when I made up "3-girl night"...but I was suddenly fantasizing Suzy, Becca...and MOI!

3-girl night, d/s, nostalgia, dark-haired girl

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