Dec 01, 2013 13:41
I admit, hand on heart, I hadn't expected much from this week just gone. There was SO MUCH to do and so little time to do it I was resigned to just endure the thing before going back to work the week after (i.e. tomorrow!!). instead it all turned out rather well.
Went to see my Invisible friends in Aber (this is what you're known as from now on, it's a compliment!) and drove a shedload without getting lost or crashing or falling asleep at the wheel.
Following the screaming family row I hit the ovens with my mom and baked and cooked and washed up and baked until we were both shattered. But I tell you this, there's nothing like sitting on the floor with a cup of tea and a warm crumbly rugalach basking in the glow of achievement. Though it might have been the glow of heavy liquor, I'd been sipping the amaretto since noon and come six in the evening was rather merry and still working the food processors (plural, the family has two) with reckless abandon.
Wednesday me and mom went to Birmingham. Just to do some shopping really but also to have a look round. we usually go to London to visit Liberty's and Foyle's but decided on a change.
I think I love Birmingham.
I hadn't been into the Jewellery Quarter since 2001. and a lot has changed in my life since then. I found the café I curled up in over a decade ago. Behind the shops it used to have a working forge but the workshops were all closed now. But they still had a fire going, and Jamaican pineapple rum cake.
My mom was tickled pink because she grew up in Birmingham. So she was telling me all how it used to be and what was different and what had changed. We ended up getting lunch in a worker's café, walking in right in the middle of lunch hour. It could've been in Brooklyn, everyone was chatty, the lady behind the counter, though being rushed off her feet was cheerful. The German market had landed so we saw all the stalls, the sauerkraut, pretzels, doughnuts, and steins of beer.
I found a tea dress for a very reasonable price and then we found a Waterstones. The women in our family often spend more in bookshops than fashion stores. This store had once been a bank; so imagine the Georgian columns, the huge high ceilings, the spiral staircase leading to the sci-fi section. Luckily for my bank balance my mom said we had a train to catch and we extracted ourselves before we bought anything. phew! you would think I wouldn't go into bookshops currently, not with the amount I have currently to read.
Thursday I was working on my CV for most of the day before the meal that evening. My mom gave me a Diana F+ as a quasi Chanukah/Christmas gift. and it's AMAZING!!!!!
Friday was the dentist. I hate the dentist. But I got my eyebrows done too so it evened out.
And tonight there's the football and tomorrow it's work and that's it. My week away from the grinder. I don't feel refreshed physically (in fact I didn't go to the gym this weekend and I KNOW I'm gonna pay for it over the next three days) but emotionally I feel good. More able to cope? Maybe, but definitely further away from not being able to cope which is where I was back in October.