Load from the left, lead from the right..

May 05, 2012 15:36

going out tonight. friend's leaving party. but she wants to start at 7.30pm. with no food.
really? that's early...

anyone else looking forward to this 'Hit & Miss' show coming to Sky Atlantic in May?

although in hindsight, the percentage of people able to answer that questions is shockingly low given the fact that many of my friends don't have Sky, or live in North America, and currently the show's being fought over in a bidding war between 3 of the networks.
anyway, the story is as follows. Mia, girl works as an assassin for someone in the UK and she is good at what she does. I.e. killing people. Turns out she's transgendered. and before she transitioned has produced at least one child with a woman now dying of cancer. So Mia's faced with meeting a child she never knew and juggling her responsibilities as a hitwoman.
And trying to find love too.
Chloe Sevigny is playing Mia. and there's already been some argument that why can't an actual transwoman play the role?

Well, cos it's acting and i don't think the acting pool of transpeople is strong enough yet. Like in the 1995 Rugby World Cup. South Africa, the eventual winners, had very few (one, actually) black South Africans in the squad because the black South African talent pool was not strong enough to contribute to world rugby at that stage. Recently, in 2007, the winner South African team was a lot more balanced.
In terms of acting remember Sidney Poitier got EVERY black male role in Hollywood. and Denzel is STILL getting 65%+ of the black male roles because Hollywood is unwilling to go in a new direction in terms of stereotype.
and trans-people are very much a stereotype.
Hopefully in the next 20 years that will change but not now.

Casting aside I'm looking forward to this show. I want to see how they balance the personal journey Mia has and the society around her. without going too "Ahhh! Transsexual" every 10 minutes.

And tonight I'm going out. for 7.30. so i best get off the computer then.
takes time for me to look good.
and i'll talk about dragging up in The Mall later.

assertiveness, clubbing, trans stuff

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