Apr 12, 2012 19:03
today i lost my phone.
this is the first time i've ever lost my phone. ever. needless to say i also lost all the numbers on my phone. so if anyone is reading this who would like to contact me in the near/far future and is willing to give me their phone number. please. message me, facebook, hotmail, whatever.
it's not an order.
Aside from the numbers I also lost all the photos and snapshots i took on this phone.
these date back to November 3rd 2008 when i was in hospital and all that that entailed.
it's interesting how anyone whose undergone major operations or cancer survival can correlate their lives as either pre-surgery or post-surgery. My mom is a survivor, I've had my ops, we both can relate to the surgery being a main factor in our recent history.
But all those photos are gone.
i guess it's sort of cathartic really. holding onto a past that served no purpose save to shock and to remind. and neither one of those reactions are healthy in the long-term.
C'est la vie.
no use crying about it. i think the phone might have ended up in a clinical waste bin after a particularly bloody case. regardless that really is above and beyond to go searching through such a bag. but that's not to say it's not likely to be in there. but the bins were collected almost immediately after i took them out myself, and that was a good 30 minutes before i realised my phone was gone.
it's a shame because it was one of the few PINK accessories I owned. very, very pink it was very me, even if it was only duel-band.
now i face life for the next few days with no phone. i've ordered a new sim-card but have to buy a handset. this is gonna cost a pretty penny i can tell you.
past history