The world is smaller than you think

May 15, 2010 13:26

Well I have a horrid bruise on my shoulder where the doctor gave me the cortisone shot. But the pain's going away slowly. I went to the gym yesterday after work though and worked through my set with little problems.
Considering 80% of my workout is leg orientated it didn't give me too much trouble. And I've always avoided heavy weights on my upper arms as I tend to turn into Arnie.
And no one likes Arnie.

I was watching The Island last night, and Ashes to Ashes, and Kids Embarrassing Bodies on C4.

See what a shiny life I lead on Friday nights? But on a serious note I was watching the latter of the 3 because I recognised one of the cases. It involved the correction of a girl's spine and starred Frenchay's Ian Harding who's a spinal consultant.
And an all-around bit of a dick if I'm honest.
But he is a spinal consultant, they are all like that. Everything has to be done yesterday. In fact I'm thinking of basing my head of dept in the story I'm writing on the guy. Tall, physically big, abrupt, sarcastic, unfeeling.

The irony is that the person I recognised the most on the show was the anesthetist, who's been a pain in my liberal, chirpy, smily arse for the best part of 4 years. Consultant paediactric anesthtist, you can tell the cameras were there cos she was all smiles and happiness. She's vile.
And she has the dubious honour of stopping an operating list on account of her rudeness which caused her assistant to LEAVE AND GO HOME rather than work with her.
That takes skill.
We've had run ins. I laugh at her, she clearly doesn't even acknowledge my presence. I like to think of our working relationship as the one between V and the doctor in the novel V for Vendetta.
"[S]he looked at me like an insect on a slide, like [s]he almost felt sorry for me..."

See, this how I conduct my relationships in work. :-)

But, The Island. Yeah...
I think it has one BIG drawback. It has Michael Bay directing it.
The 2 characters run, and run and run some more from evil people on foot, on bikes, in cars on some flying wasp thing. And they fall off buildings. High buildings. High buildings that explode flaming glass everywhere.
Not a single scratch. Same at the end, Sean Bean and McGregor end up caught in some huge explosion that totals the holograph tech in the underground lair and McGregor's fine. The blast would have vaporised everybody. Or turned them into pulpy bags of bones. That's what blast does. It.. blasts!

If I had the input on this film I'd give Dgimgi Honsou a bigger role. Much bigger. He's the leader of this covert special-forces crew charged with locating and returning the 2 escapees.
He's clearly uneasy with the whole "cutting up clones for profit" aspect of the whole affair so I'd like to have little scenes with him talking to his krew and they combine with McGregor to take down the whole affair. You could then have pitched firefights in the sterile white corridors and mercs hosing the atriums with high-explosive fire.
That would be cool.

And.... I'd really like to see Clones.
Which was the 1970's film which The Island directly rips off to the extent that Bay had to pay out of court the writers of the original premise. Apparently they could spot over 100 direct exact similarities. Whoops! Over 100? That's not coincidence.

I like these future dystopias. Bladerunner, Logan's Run. And jailbreaks. So Count of Monte Cristo and Shawshank Redemption feature high. You can see why my favorite Dollhouse episode is Needs (1.8) can't you?
Just keep running guys, just keep running...

I also found all my photos from my Aberystwyth undergraduacy.
This was when I REALLY started to take pictures, which would lead me to take City & Guilds courses during my off-year, and some of them... it's like looking into the past of someone else.
I can't remember some bits at all. Or if I do remember I can't believe that the person in those photos is me.
Cos technically it isn't. It's old me.
And old me and new me are sooooooooooooooo different.

I got a facebook hiya from an old friend, Alan, yesterday. I remember back in 2001/2 when we used to spar both standing up and lying down. It was fun! I've a judo background from highschool so I'm quite comfortable on the floor with some guy who's got 4 inches and 4 stone on me.
In fact if we ever have a reunion I wouldn't mind doing it again.

Of course I hope to be doing something similar tomorrow night with someone else. FWB is coming over!

unfriendly people, nhs, memories, escape, movies, karate

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