all that glitters

May 31, 2009 16:25

i've just been having this deep conversation about one topic.
Diamonds, diamonds and more diamonds.

i'm trying to look for a nice necklace to celebrate my 30th, but following my trip to New York and 47th Street last year i've (unfortunately) passed the opinion of "as long as it's pretty i don't care how much it costs" and crossed over to the land of wanting to know everything about the piece before I buy it including the carat, the clarity, the cut and whether i'm getting enough stone for the dollar.
or in our case the sterling.

it's part birthday present part gift to me, i'm more than happy to help out with the cost of the stone.
without going into too many details here i'm basically in a toss-up between a piece i like in the local jewellers in Bristol and ordering a piece customised to order online and going to The Garden (Hatton not Covent) which is the London equivalent to 47th Street.
while it may sound dodgy to order diamonds online, it's nice in the way as the cutters will take the details (price range, carat, clarity grade, etc) into consideration and cut a stone from scratch. that's impressive and lends an idea to the skill of the London cutters as well as the designer jewellery that makes up the majority of the yellow and white gold settings.

price is a factor and i may be able to deal with the guys in Bristol unlike the garden where i'm paying over the internet.
i also have the opportunity of paying off the bill in monthly instalments rather than an upfront fee that Hatton demands.

it's a decision that i will ponder

turning 30, diamonds, new york, birthday, london

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