Transgenic? i like it, it's James Cameron but i like it

Apr 05, 2009 14:07

i've had a very productive week off.
not very restful, and i'm fearing at how i going to cope tomorrow and Tuesday when i'm rostered to back-to-back 8-6pm shifts.
ahhh.. the stink of 10 hours of manual labour, smells like... exhaustion.

plus tomorrow is now my official first day of not being able to wear cloth theatre caps. i'm going to have to wear opaque paper ones. which i haven't worn since 2006. and i'm not looking forward to having to wear them.
not least of all as I have just over 8 nice caps that i've worn for the past 2.5 years and give people an indication of my mood.
and, like John Travolta off Pulp Fiction, i hate it when people in authority just bark orders at me.
that's not to say i'm difficult (honest i'm not) I just like to know that a reason behind a decree is backed up by professional rationale and not some senior declaring 'Cos I felt like it'.
which is what's happened with the hats.

i'm not gonna throw my hats out though. i'll keep them and use then when i emigrate. Or move to Brighton.

another down point tomorrow is that wherever i'm positioned to work it could be tricky. Not least of all in Ortho 5 cos Monday's is the day of Heydrich clone. A man who dislikes me as much as i dislike him. which is official by the way, i've heard from a 3rd party that i perceive as legitimate that he can't deal with my T-ness. and bears a striking resemblance to a dead Nazi war criminal.

other situations could involve me sloggin in Gen 8 or Gen 7.
in all fairness i'd rather have Heydrich clone in Ortho 5.
which proves where 7 and 8 stand in the grand scheme of things.

apart from that the week was nice. I got to this LGBT interview on Friday afternoon and got to talk about the work situation for me and 'my people' for a good 45 minutes. apparently there's 6 transers in North Bristol NHS trust. I know 1 other so that leads 4 unknowns.
geez, i make it sound like we're replicants.
although the phrase "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe" does stand up in terms of my drilling schedules and the sights and pain i've had to endure over the past 6 months (almost 6, where's the year gone?).

and i'm going back on the slab on the 11th May, so if that doesn't make you feel like the cross between an android, an invetro and a laboratory rabbit i don't know what will.
this is why i like Dark Angel right now. it was only 2 seasons and Jessica Alba can't really act per se but it has the feeling of if your life is controlled by a faceless corporation then who's to day if it's Manticore or North Bristol NHS?

i read in a book recently that if you go off on long verbal or written diatribes then it's a steady bet you have some sort of personality disorder.
i don't think i have one, but i'm not sure.
opinions from my faithful readership here would be appreciated.
am i really an anger ball?

dark angel, hats, lgbt, work, am i a nut?, replicants

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