Jun 17, 2008 11:35
I got a week off! I got a week off!
and this will be my last official week of work until October :-(
of course the reason why i've left such a big gap is twofold. first of all the summer months are very popular with those employees who have children, cos it coincides with their summer holidays.
also i was banking on having surgery over the summer period and i can't be arsed with the rigmarole in work of having to apply for more holiday on account of having sick leave (which recovery from any operation would fall under) and holiday at the same thing thus negating the annual leave.
this, by the way, is policy. and it has nothing to do with the NHS being caring for the needs of its workers. rather the fact that if we took sick leave on top of annual leave the NHS has to pay us for both. and they aren't having that.
this matter was cleared up when it was originally discovered with astonishing speed, which just goes to show how fast NHS pay bureaucracy can move when it really has to (usually only when there's money involved).
but over the course of this week I have to give more blood to help the docs figure out why my calcium is sooooo low, get electrolysised in London, get my back seen too, visit the grave of my grandfather and most importantly of all. sleep.
and rest.
and enjoy the sun.
and hang my new painting that's been hanging around the landing for the past 4 weeks.
and continue with my transcribing. cos i've fallen way behind, to the point where i don't have a lot of motivation to continue with the story at the moment on account of the transcribing challenge hanging over my head like a giant sword of Damocles.
also, if i'm honest, being in New York blew me away a bit, and i'm writing something about a woman who lands in New York in 1948 and what happens to her as she starts living in the Big Apple.
also, so Obama is the official Democratic candidate. OK, am i thinking that all the guy has to do is not screw up and he has the White House in the bag?
or is that just too simplistic.
cos what with the price of oil soaring, the war in Iraq and Afghanistan going badly (hear about the jailbreak in Kandahar?) and the recession in the US almost as severe as the one creeping into the UK the stuff i hear out of the McCain camp is pretty bland.
Will he withdrawal troops from the front? No.
Oh, good way to win votes there. although has we all know the US voting machine is a bit odd (no offense Americans reading this) and in recent months, mainly due to the showdown between Hilary and Obama it's turned into a popularity contest rather than an actual political interpretation.
but then again aren't all politics like that these days?
by the way, you think anyone reading this has it bad, Hilary Clinton is now in debt to the tune of $50 million. well, these campaigns don't pay for themselves y'know. ;-)