everything you say is a lie

Jan 17, 2009 03:26

recycledair51: nicco had sex with amanda

nrm8573: what

nrm8573: really??

nrm8573: how the fuck did that happen

recycledair51: it happened a while ago

recycledair51: he just didn't feel the need to tell me

nrm8573: well how long ago

recycledair51: until amanda started leaking it out to his friends

recycledair51: like when we first started dating

nrm8573: when was that

recycledair51: i mean we never set an official date

recycledair51: but we clicked from the start

recycledair51: and we decided that we wanted to be together

recycledair51: i told him i loved him

recycledair51: but i said i didn't want to jump into the physical stuff so soon

recycledair51: and then he had sex with amanda

recycledair51: because she begged him saying it would be closure for her and she'd leave us alone

recycledair51: which of course she never did

nrm8573: so in a weird way he did it to preserve your relationship

recycledair51: yeah it's so fucking twisted

recycledair51: it just really hurts that he would ever agree to that

recycledair51: when he knew she was so fucking psycho from the start

recycledair51: and that he kept her around until a couple days ago

recycledair51: and that he had sex with her after i told him i was in love with him

recycledair51: i never say that first and it took so much for me to

recycledair51: i thought he understood that

nrm8573: well what are you going to do?

recycledair51: i have no idea

recycledair51: last night he told me when we were in my dorm

nrm8573: it's not like you can ever trust him again

recycledair51: and i was so upset

recycledair51: i asked him to leave

recycledair51: and he wouldn't

recycledair51: and no one is around

recycledair51: so i left and he kept following me

recycledair51: and i told him to get the fuck away from me

recycledair51: and he kept trying to make me promise to see him today

recycledair51: and i said i didn't know but i didn't want to talk to him then

recycledair51: so he finally left

recycledair51: and today he just took off without telling me

recycledair51: i don't know when he's coming back or if we're still together

nrm8573: what a jerk

recycledair51: i know

recycledair51: i'm so angry and so sad

recycledair51: it's confusing and i don't know what to do

recycledair51: like if i can even be with him

nrm8573: so why are you going home? classes start on tuesday

recycledair51: because i don't have anything to do until then

recycledair51: i only have two classes on tuesday

recycledair51: and i need to see my friends

recycledair51: today was the most depressing day

recycledair51: new york is so lonely sometimes

nrm8573: i know what you mean

nrm8573: it's so weird that he did that

nrm8573: maybe it was before he thought things were as serious?

recycledair51: things were always serious

recycledair51: when i was with travis it was killing us

recycledair51: because we didn't know what to do

nrm8573: well maybe nicco didn't think of it that way from the start

nrm8573: which is ok

nrm8573: because he seems to be devoted now

recycledair51: it's not really

nrm8573: you had told him that you loved him before he did it?

recycledair51: yeah

nrm8573: ohh

nrm8573: so it wasn't in the VERY beginning

nrm8573: i thought you meant when you were just kind of flirting

recycledair51: no

recycledair51: like i broke up with travis for him

recycledair51: and told him i loved him

recycledair51: and then he had sex with her

nrm8573: maybe he was trying to get her out of the way?

recycledair51: that's what he said

recycledair51: but that's fucked up

recycledair51: how did he think that i would be okay with that?

recycledair51: and how did he ever agree to that

nrm8573: i'm trying to justify it but..

recycledair51: i know i mean i feel bad that he had to deal with her shit

recycledair51: but it really hurts that he did that after i told him and i thought it was clear that we were going to be together

nrm8573: i mean everybody makes mistakes, that's a pretty big one

recycledair51: and then he kept so much about her from me for so long

recycledair51: and lied about it

recycledair51: and tried to make me like her

recycledair51: and after all this he just took off without notice

nrm8573: where to?

nrm8573: home?

recycledair51: i guess

nrm8573: i guess i wouldn't throw in the towel yet

nrm8573: the problem is

recycledair51: i know i still want to be with him

nrm8573: you're never going to be able to trust him fully, ever

recycledair51: yeah i know

nrm8573: that's the kiss of death for a relationship

nrm8573: he's going to think every time your'e mad at him

nrm8573: that somehow or another it's because of that

nrm8573: so he'll get spiteful and uncomfortable

recycledair51: but i don't see how i'll be able to get over it either

recycledair51: when travis cheated on me i fucking cried my eyes out to him

recycledair51: and he held me and told me he would never hurt me like that

nrm8573: was that before or after it happened

recycledair51: before

nrm8573: maybe he needed closure from her too?

recycledair51: he told me he didn't

recycledair51: he said he had no feelings for her anymore since he met me

nrm8573: well i'd be willing to call bullshit on that

nrm8573: why do you have sex with someone

recycledair51: i know

recycledair51: but then i feel like we built off a lie

recycledair51: he fucking deceived me for so long

recycledair51: and he says that this doesn't change anything because it's all been real

nrm8573: would the relationship have worked if he were honest from the start?

recycledair51: yes

nrm8573: was that clear from his perspective given the context?

nrm8573: i'm just trying to understand it from his side

nrm8573: so you told him you loved him, but he still cared about amanda...but he cared about you more

nrm8573: so he needed closure for himself

nrm8573: by having sex with her..

nrm8573: and thereafter he's been devoted to you

recycledair51: he said he really didn't have feelings for her

nrm8573: why else would he have sex with her?

recycledair51: he said it was because he wanted her to leave us alone

recycledair51: cause she was telling him not to be with me

recycledair51: and making up lies

recycledair51: and he just wanted it to be civil

recycledair51: and if he didn't try to be friends with her he said his friends wouldn't have still been friends with him

recycledair51: cause they're all in the same group

recycledair51: but if he had just told them what she was doing, they would have understood

recycledair51: cause he told them now and they understand

nrm8573: the only way my thesis still holds is if he thought maybe it would be less hurtful to tell you that instead of the truth

nrm8573: he does have an unsettling history of deception

recycledair51: good point

nrm8573: in which case he's kind of stupid

recycledair51: which is why i don't know what to do

nrm8573: at this point

nrm8573: i would give him the benefit of the doubt

nrm8573: even though that's very liberal

nrm8573: but don't be surprised if he fucks up again

nrm8573: at least you gave it a shot

recycledair51: i don't think i can deal with another disappointment like that though

recycledair51: this amanda drama has been killing me slowly

recycledair51: that night you called was the only time i freaked out though cause i was so wasted

recycledair51: but every time more stuff comes up it breaks my heart a little

nrm8573: the only way you can be dissapointed is if you have higher expectations

nrm8573: but then again

nrm8573: that doesn't seem like

nrm8573: a healthy relationship

recycledair51: but we had something i thought was so good

nrm8573: everyone is flawed

recycledair51: when she wasn't in the picture

recycledair51: so that would be my expectation

recycledair51: but i don't know how i can trust him

recycledair51: or not be hurt when i look at him

recycledair51: or let him touch me

recycledair51: without thinking about what he did

nrm8573: well it would take time

nrm8573: february is the worst possible timing for this to have happened because it's such a depressing month anyway

nrm8573: well

nrm8573: if you walk away

recycledair51: i know right

nrm8573: you'll always wonder if it would have worked out

nrm8573: and that would bother the crap out of you

recycledair51: i guess

nrm8573: right?

nrm8573: wouldn't you think about that?

recycledair51: but if it doesn't work it'll drag this out

recycledair51: like i'm a fucking mess

recycledair51: i can't stand it

nrm8573: i think it's going to take time to get over it either way

recycledair51: and if we try to work things out i don't even know where to begin

recycledair51: because i can't stand him fucking touching me

nrm8573: go back to the beginning

nrm8573: he doens't have to touch you

nrm8573: if he cares he'll clearly understand that

recycledair51: i wouldn't know what to say to him now

recycledair51: like what we would do or talk about

recycledair51: i would just be so miserable

recycledair51: i am miserable

nrm8573: well first you would have to talk to him about it

nrm8573: and ask him about what i proposed above

nrm8573: i was being very generous to him

recycledair51: i'm pretty sure he would reject that

recycledair51: which is why it's so twisted

recycledair51: like that makes sense

recycledair51: not that it justifies it

nrm8573: but it's at least understandable

recycledair51: but i honestly don't believe that's the case

nrm8573: was he sober?

recycledair51: yes

nrm8573: if he's telling the truth it's a case of means and ends

recycledair51: what do you mean?

nrm8573: evil means justifying good ends

nrm8573: if he truly believed that having sex with her would allow him to have a relationship with you

nrm8573: the ends (relationship with you) justified the means (having sex with her)

nrm8573: i mean i couldn't do that but hey it's a pretty diverse gene pool otu ther

nrm8573: e

recycledair51: but that's so fucking stupid

nrm8573: it is

recycledair51: and it didn't work

recycledair51: so he did it in vain

nrm8573: and he knew she was psychotic

recycledair51: exactly

nrm8573: why would she have any credibility

recycledair51: i know that's what i said

nrm8573: what'd he say

recycledair51: he said he was sorry and felt like he was being raped

recycledair51: i mean if he seriously believed that the ends justified the means

nrm8573: i mean that just makes him look like kind of an idiot

recycledair51: then he's seriously fucked up too

nrm8573: yeah

nrm8573: either really fucked up, extremely naive, or a moron..or all 3

recycledair51: and not who i thought he was

nrm8573: see what he has to say

nrm8573: it's troubling that part of the problem here is that we don't konw if what he says is true

nrm8573: so we can't come to a decisive conclusion

nrm8573: but still see what he has to say

nrm8573: and slap that amanda bitch

nrm8573: because if he's not who you thought he was then you should just cut your losses

recycledair51: yeah

nrm8573: i can't even imagine how disappointing that must be

nrm8573: i'm sorry kat

nrm8573: it's not fair how many shitty guys you end up with

recycledair51: yeah seriously

recycledair51: i'm about to give up

nrm8573: i konw a cool lesbian

nrm8573: i actually have a crush on her

nrm8573: her name is julia

recycledair51: girls suck

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