Dec 25, 2006 23:30
Ah, how I love Christmas break. However, it's not long at all and the last thing I want to do is go back to school and back to PHYSICS and midterms. Seriously, Mr. Elliott makes me want to kill myself and I don't care if he's smart, he's not a good person! He's an asshole and he's rude.
So basically my life is a rollercoaster. One day it's great, one day it's awful. Just get me out of here! Since everyone's been getting into the colleges of their choice, the reality of it is sinking in. I really wish it was graduation so I could just enjoy the summer and then be on my way to independence, freedom, and basically my life. So let's see, what have I been doing? I tried to stop writing in here for a bit but it was a pain because I couldn't read everyone else's so I'm back. Woohoo I am a slave to the lj/myspace/facebook communities!
12/15: A bunch of us had a mini party at Mo's house! We exchanged secret santa gifts and it was black & white themed so we all dressed up and ate miniature food and drank out of miniature champagne glasses. It kind of makes me love my friends when we can get together and be girly without the presence of "fun enchancing substances". I'm like, aww we're so innocent and sophistocated, until the party turns into a big sex talk at least.
12/18: Went to visit NYU. Boring info session. Some snobby kids. Urban outfitters. Haley Joel Osment. Father-daughter bonding experience. Actually, that was a big thing so let me dad went to a psychic! Wtf, right? She said some things that made a lot of sense and even had him convinced and my dad is very non-spiritual. He's the kind of guy that is all science oriented and is like, I need to see it to believe it. But this psychic lady told him that one of his spiritual guides was a guy named Billy, which is my dad's brother who passed away last year. So I'm not going to go into it too much because there is so much to say but that was what initially convinced him. What I found interesting was her spiritual belief. She said we all have spiritual guides which are ancestors or just spirits that watch over us and guide us on our paths in life. She says there's no hell. Earth is hell and there are levels of heaven that we can reach. People are reincarnated and have a purpose in each life to learn something that they didn't know and will bring them closer to heaven. There is a God but she says she doesn't understand all these religious wars because it's all the same God. And her belief makes sense because there is a little bit of theory from a bunch of different religions including polytheistic ones as well. Anyway, Kate and I want to go see her maybe this summer. It's somewhere in Mass. and it costs $100 an hour. I don't know if I'm convinced but I'm curious.
12/20: Paesan's Christmas party at Mark's. It was very awkward for me especially since everyone else was drinking and I couldn't because I had to drive home. I only stayed for an hour but I guess it went until 2 in the morning. I am so socially awkward it's not even funny. I was like, heeeeyyyyyy yeeeeeeahhh uh......hmmm.....well...I'm going to sip my soda now because then I won't have to talk.
Today is Christmas. I got money, a dress, a webcam, the regina spektor cd, gift cards, and earrings from Kate! Last night I came home early from New York and my dad was baking coconut macaroons, drinking wine, and had the house all cleaned up with candles lit. He's such a woman! But it was cute and this morning after presents, I made everyone breakfast and we vegged out like always. Merry Christmas!