Dear Myself, I'm so sorry I suck.
I'm so sorry I am crying so hard right now.
I'm so sorry I keep doing it wrong and talking to him wrong and dealing with him wrong.
Dear Heart, I'm so sorry I do this to you.
I'm so sorry I don't put you first.
I'm so sorry I shut you out and outvoice you whenever you get the guts to step up.
And Dear You, who I love more than anyone, I'm so sorry I keep failing you.
I'm so sorry I'm not enough.
I'm so sorry that even though I try and try I always end up loving you too much but not trying quite enough.
I love you so much and I am sorry that I do. I'm so sorry. So, so, so sorry that I always seem to be standing too many feet away from the door to pull you in and close it behind you.
// -- Takeshi.