x two

May 18, 2008 08:07

this is ella. so named by ST. she is 10 weeks old. her personality is mellow, but assertive and she loves to play.

that is, when she's not sleeping, which is what she's doing most of the time.

i had a devil of a time getting ry to sit still for a sibling portrait. here's an unsuccessful early attempt.

after some manuvering, i had moderately better results.

this is the best i could do.

they are super cute, but also quite a handful. ry won't be neutered until tomorrow morning so he's sniffing with a mission. one i'm determined to thwart! ella just wants to snuggle, sleep, and play with her new brother, but not too much! she tires quickly, but she's not intimidated by ry even though he's twice her size. she's already taken to announcing she's done horsing around with a surprisingly convincing growl. it seems ella's no pushover, which obviously pleases me to no end. the only unpleasant thing about our new addition is that the house training saga has begun again. uuuggghhh! hopefully, it will go quickly as ella is smart and not as distracted and obstinate as ry was in his puppyhood. more to come, i'm sure!

ella, weekender, riley

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