to the good

Sep 16, 2007 08:21

so, it's been a whirlwind the last few days, but tons of fun. my parent's visit has been unexpectedly fabulous. they're leaving this afternoon and i'm actually sad to see them go. sort of. anyway, it's that nice bittersweet feeling where you leave wanting more. that's definitely the way to do it!

the performance has been nerve racking, but totally worth it. people who've come to the show have seemed to enjoy it and although there have been some snafu's on our end, the audience doesn't seem to notice.

and, added bonus, last night we even managed to make it out to ST's best friends' birthday party after i performed and we had chatted with my parents and put them to bed. it was a late night, but also lots of fun. basically, i've been running for three days straight on adrenaline and very little sleep, but i feel great. really enthused, in fact.

ST's been a wonderful host to my parents, he's cooked all his specialties and true to form always knows of something fun going on in the city that my parents would enjoy. yesterday during the day (before call for rehearsal) i took them to the "country fair" held at the plant conservatory near my house. they always have fun family-friendly events there and yesterday was no exception. we ended up meeting all these local artists and farmers. in fact, i found out i can get all my honey from a place down the street which helps non violent offenders transition back into the neighborhood and offers free business training for the ones that excel in the vocational parts of the program (harvesting honey, project development, sales)! if i was a genuine grow-up i would write them a fat check. i love programs like that.

my mom ended up having a wonderful long conversation with this woman who's become an artist as her second career (she used to be an accountant) and creates these amazing digital, painted and sculptural pieces. between my mom and i we bought three original pieces and she gave us an amazing deal. a good time has been had by all.

weekender, the 'rents, dance

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