(no subject)

Sep 13, 2013 00:58

June threw me an Gui a surprise engagement party last saturday! It was brilliant, cos we really weren't expectin nothin. I thought we was just goin to the park for a picnic and then when we met her there, she had a whole proper set up with a table and strings of lights and our mates was there an all!

She got us a pressie too, which was dead nice! And I got to show off my engagement ring to everyone what ain't seen it yet...and to people what have, cos I made everyone look at it like 100 times, haha.

Me an Gui also finally hired a proper wedding planner to help us. She's gonna take us around to look at venues this weekend cos some places get booked up like a year in advance! That's mental, havin to book sommat that far out. Reckon this is why some people just go down to the registrar and get it done there. Not that I'd ever let Gui get away with that!

future mr & mr rosey, june, parties

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