der Zwilling (pl. die Zwillinge) - twin; Gemini [astrology]
Holger und Thorsten sind Zwillinge. - Holger and Thorsten are twins (twin brothers).
Sein Sternzeichen ist Waage. - His sign is libra.
Sie ist Zwilling. - She's gemini.
Die beiden sind Zwillingsschwestern. - The two of them are twins (twin sisters).
Mein Sternzeichen ist Fisch. - My sign is pisces.
der Zwillingsbruder - twin brother
die Zwillingsschwester - twin sister
die zweieiigen Zwillinge - fraternal twin
die Geburt - birth
das Horoskop - horoscope
das Sternzeichen - star sign, zodiac sign
die Sterne - stars
die Stars - celebrities
•Frühling: Widder-Stier-Zwillinge
Spring: Aries-Taurus-Gemini
•Sommer: Krebs-Löwe-Jungfrau
Summer: Cancer-Leo-Virgo
•Herbst: Waage-Skorpion-Schütze
Autumn/Fall: Libra-Scorpio-Sagittarius
•Winter: Steinbock-Wassermann-Fische
Winter: Capricorn-Aquarius-Pisces
MORE> Die Sternzeichen (Signs of the Zodiac in German)~
"The old pick-up line “What’s your sign?” probably doesn’t work any better in German („Was ist dein Sternzeichen?“) than it does in English, but here you can learn the 12 signs in German. They're divided into their traditional seasonal groupings, so you can also learn the four seasons (die vier Jahreszeiten). After studying these zodiac pages, you’ll know the German for the 12 signs, some basic horoscope vocabulary and the personality characteristics associated with each sign." Click
http://german.about.com/library/blzod_intro.htm ***
So... what's your sign? :)