What can I say? Not much has been changing of late. Same routine that has occupied the past few weeks continues to be predominant.
Respective LARP games on Sunday (Carlisle Masquerade) and Tuesday (Newcastle Requiem) were both great fun, and were certainly among the high points of my week. Last Saturday night saw me attending a Halloween party in which I ended up doing karaoke of Bohemian Rhapsody along with the rest of my table, as well as being the first occassion where I, as an ST, received a lapdance from one of my players (cue the inevitable flood of "how much XP did she get for that?" jokes).
Aside from that, university work continues to be the looming spectre that dominates all else. I've heard it said by some that second year can be the toughest of the three, and i'm tempted to say Bollocks. I don't think there's ever been a point in my university career thus far where I've been under this kind of continual stress. It's not that I actually am falling behind in my work (all things considered I'm in a pretty sweet position really), but the fear of falling behind and not being able to get back on schedule is more or less constant. What it boils down to is that I want to graduate with the degree classification that I want, and I'm terrified of ending up with a lower one. Saying that, I'm sure there would be certain advantages to doing an MSc first once I graduate, rather than trying straight for a PhD. I honestly don't know.
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