Oct 22, 2007 21:11
So I'm sitting at my sister's desk eating dinner..everything seems so rushed to me lately. even eating this dinner-with not much else going on tonight .. i just feel like i need to hurry up and eat and get it over with. i suppose maybe its because i know there are things i could, or should be doing..i just want to eat my god damn meal and be able to let it digest and then rest and not have shit to do .
we're writing haiku's in photography-and then taking photographs that are inspired by the poems.
the hand out we got had all these instructions of how to sit down for 15 minutes and write down everything you sense around you ( see , smell etc. ) . and then go from there. so i did that and ended up writing a haiku poem about the streak that an airplane leaves behind it. so then tried to take photographs inspired by that poem and it was just shit.
then i get to class and see that everyone else has written much more meaninful poems...so i guess i'm going to have to try again. atleast i have i think 2 more weeks to finish.
in class i wrote down a quick little one about mister ( my cat )..
i can't remember exactly what it was but i thought it was cute.
i think i'm going to watch a movie when i go to bed tonight..heather's computer can play movies. maybe all computers can? but hers plays them well.
trial and error