Drama at the End by Flickr user
Mazda6 (Tor) One of the many brilliant summer sunsets we get here in Madison, this one taken on the Terrace at Memorial Union on the University of Wisconsin campus. Memorial Union is
quite gorgeous in its own right, and
on a summer evening it is a popular gathering spot for locals. Nestled in the heart of America's Dairyland, it's only natural that the University of Wisconsin produces its own ice cream from the herd of cows at the agricultural school on campus, and a night sitting in
the unique chairs on the Terrace (located right on the lake's southern shore) isn't complete without a scoop or two.
Another popular option is
a pint or a pitcher of beer from
der Rathskeller,
the pub located inside the Union, right off the Terrace. I'm pretty sure that the University of Wisconsin is probably the only university in the United States which produces its own signature ice cream and beer.