Feb 28, 2005 20:34
Ash added to me her checking account last week when i got payed. YaY! i can like, buy stuff and pay for stuff on here now! i'm happy. i got a scanner on it's way here that i got a pretty good deal one through bestbuy.com. i think i only payed like $84 with shippin and handling. it's suppose to be here anytime now, i'm really excited about that.
been building model airplanes like crazy too. i just finished and p-61 black widown. well...it's almost done but i ran out of gloss coat halfway through the process of spraying it so this wednesday when i get payed i gotta make a trip to hobby lobby and pick that up. what fun.
i've been doin the ebay thing lately too. it's fun actually. i won an airbrush for like 5 bucks this morning before i went to bed and i'm currently winnin a 3 model plane set that i really want because my dad built all of these when i lived with him in New Jersey. SO like, winning these three is REALLY important to me. i currently have the winning bid at 20.45 or something like that. and i only have like less than an hour to go! YaY! WooT!
I'm currently working on a p-51 mustang. What can i say, i'm a prop-job, old WWII plane junkie. i love prop job planes. they're so cool. i plan on picking up some fishing line this week sometime and hanging all my planes from my ceiling (if you could call it that).
other than that, not too much going on around here with me. me and ash got into a huge fight....kinda mainly my fault on that one cause i totally lost control of my feelings....yeah....i really don't wanna get into detail with everything, lets just say i'm fucked up in the head and i need some help. looking to get some soon too.