Venture Home News-delay!

Sep 02, 2008 05:08

Dear subscribers,

My apologies! I know you all expected a new issue of Venture Home News long ago, but I've had many distractions. I've been trying to help out my brother with his band, taking care of my crabby crab and trying to hide it from Pop, and the usual Venture adventure fun too of course, you know how that is.

BUT! Just as I was about to print the new issue out, I realized...someone STOLE my notepad where I keep all the notes, information, and rough drafts of articles I plan on putting into the issues! ALL my notes! All the articles! GONE! STOLEN! I bet it was totally Dermitt too...

So, we have a MYSTERY at hand!

Meanwhile, while I try and find my notepad, I have to find a quick way to write a quick issue, cuz we've just gone too long without one! I was gonna write an article on my new crabby crab, new pet in the Venture Compound and how he's adjusting and so on...and maybe perhaps bits and pieces on Hank's new band that's in the process of forming. And also....I may have to collect some more information on this but, I hear there's some drama at the Cocoon, of some people letting their friends come over, but not letting other people's friends come over cuz they don't approve of these people....hmm, sounds hypocritic, right? Uh oh!

But anyway, that's all I can really think to come up with to work on at the moment. I swear, I had all KINDS of stuff ready for that new issue, and now that notepad is just GONE! Augh, I swear it was prolly Dermitt! Or maybe even Hank! Hank if you took that from me as a joke IT WASN'T FUNNY AND YOU BETTER GIVE IT BACK RIGHT NOW! I NEED IT!

But here's something, readers....why not help me think of stuff to add to my needs-to-be-made-quick issue? I'd love to hear what YOU GUYS wanna see! So just drop me a line, lemme know what you think of my ideas and lemme know what you wanna hear about! Also, if anyone needs any advice, now's the time to ask for it....cuz unfortunately I lost all the last requests. Sorry :(

Many apologies, and hopefully this will be resolved soon!

~Deanie V.
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