sony shit

Jan 24, 2009 13:39

BLU-RAY is apparently FAR from ready for the consumer market. Being a Sony standard it is sadly NOT surprising. In the 3 weeks I have had a blu-ray player, it has needed two software updates. BUT the first update rendered ALL regular DVDs UNplayable, the player registered them as NO DISC! The second update rendered DVDs still unplayable and now blu-rays played without sound!!!

When I got the player, DVDs worked great and the couple blu-ray discs were awesome. But as netflix sent me the latest blu-ray releases they were not playable without requiring software updates. So the odyssey began! It seems that the sony blu-ray standard is not a finished standard, like microsoft, sony has prematurely put a product to market. Unfortunately like previous sony formats, bluray was accepted, now it seems consumers are going to be the genea pigs and so will our wallets!

My blu-ray player goes back to the store and the retired DVD player comes out of retirement. Sadly my few blu-ray discs will sit and collect dust, one of which I have never watched!

So buyer beware. Like ALL sony products I have ever had the bad judgement to buy, this one too is defective in it's half developed/half-baked state of design. Such consumer fraud would never be allowed in the automobile business in which I work. I hear a lot of crap about vehicle quality and design, but how far do think it would go if you bought a car with an unfinished power train and were mailed parts to put on yourself, after which it still didn't work right? That's just what is happening with this blu-ray software BULLSHIT!!!

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