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Jul 03, 2007 23:00

Det. Bobby Goren (23:51:29): *sits at his desk, working on typing up notes, pencil in his mouth, intent look on his face*
Det. Alex Eames (23:52:03): *walks over to her desk, carrying a pile of files and papers for the case and interviews to type up; sits down with a sigh*
Det. Bobby Goren (23:52:20): *glances up* You okay?
Det. Alex Eames (23:52:33): *nods at him* I'm fine. Just tired.
Det. Bobby Goren (23:53:15): *nearly makes a smart remark on how maybe she shouldn't be out drinking all the time then but wisely chooses not to* I think we all are right now.
Det. Alex Eames (23:53:41): *smiles a little* Yeah, it's a tough case.
Det. Bobby Goren (23:54:01): *nods* You going to Munch's shin-dig tomorrow?
Det. Alex Eames (23:54:28): *shrugs* I kinda promised my sister I take of Nathan for her so unless I can wrangle my way out of that- no.
Det. Alex Eames (23:54:31): Are you?
Det. Bobby Goren (23:55:06): Yeah... I'm half-tempted to bring a cat just to freak out Munch, though, so I may have my time there come to an abrupt end.
Det. Bobby Goren (23:55:09): *smirks*
Det. Alex Eames (23:55:25): *chuckles* Yeah I vote against the cat, Bobby.
Det. Bobby Goren (23:55:37): You have to admit, though- it would be fun.
Det. Alex Eames (23:55:57): *thinks about it* I'm pretty sure Munch's face would be priceless.
Det. Bobby Goren (23:56:17): I bet he screams like a girl.
Det. Alex Eames (23:56:44): *laughs a little* I'll bet. If you happen to record it, you could have something over him for a lifetime.
Det. Bobby Goren (23:57:12): It would be quite amusing.
Det. Bobby Goren (23:57:20): Not sure if I want to die that soon, though.
Det. Alex Eames (23:57:37): Hmm. Probably not a wise idea then.
Det. Bobby Goren (23:57:44): *shrugs*
Det. Alex Eames (23:57:58): *looks back down at her papers, yawns a little*
Det. Bobby Goren (23:58:29): Having a hard time getting sleep?
Det. Alex Eames (23:58:51): *looks up at him and nods* There's... alot on my mind.
Det. Bobby Goren (23:59:31): *mulls over a thought* Listen. I'm sorry about being such a raging moron about Dresden before.
Det. Alex Eames (00:00:00): *is surpised to hear an apology but she smiles* It's okay, you're forgiven.
Det. Bobby Goren (00:00:54): Good. I mean, he's your friend not mine so it's not my business. Still *pauses* if he ever does anything to upset you you know all you have to do is call me, right?
Det. Alex Eames (00:01:23): *a small smile which turns huge* Sure. I know that.
Det. Bobby Goren (00:01:51): For the record, though- I still think he's a raging asshole. Just for the record.
Det. Alex Eames (00:02:55): *chuckles* I know you do. For the record - I don't *shrugs* but you know that too.
Det. Bobby Goren (00:04:14): *puts down the paperwork in his hands and looks at her* Why? For the life of me I don't see any redeeming qualities in that guy but he has to have some or else you wouldn't count him as a friend and it is driving me up the wall.
Det. Alex Eames (00:05:17): *can't help but laugh at his frustration, she shrugs a little* I don't know. I've been speaking to him and I just got to know him. *she doesn't want to tell him what she knows*
Det. Bobby Goren (00:06:22): *blinks* You've gotten to know him?
Det. Alex Eames (00:06:52): *nods* Yeah, you know, through conversation. Talking.
Det. Bobby Goren (00:07:29): It amazes me that anything other than insults can come out of his mouth, that's all.
Det. Alex Eames (00:08:18): *chuckles; almost sarcastic* Apparently if you talk to him long enough he runs out of them.
Det. Bobby Goren (00:09:32): I find that hard to believe. I personally think, and this is just me as another guy observing behavior of another, he kinda likes you and I'm not talking drinking buddy.
Det. Bobby Goren (00:09:41): But hey, I might also be way off
Det. Alex Eames (00:10:17): You must be way off with your guy instincts. Really, its not like I'm dating him, Bobby.
Det. Bobby Goren (00:10:56): I never said you were- I'm saying that he might be thinking something that is not shared by you.
Det. Bobby Goren (00:11:37): I mean, he doesn't say aye, yes, no, or maybe to anyone- Hell for all we know he could be married.
Det. Bobby Goren (00:11:44): Mail order bride or something.
Det. Alex Eames (00:12:23): *smiles like she might know the answer to that; sarcastic* Maybe.
Det. Bobby Goren (00:13:07): *eyes her* You know something about him that you're not sharing with the rest of the class.
Det. Alex Eames (00:13:43): *blinks* I didn't realise there was a class... and so what if I do? You did just say about 5 mins ago that he was my friend and not yours.
Det. Bobby Goren (00:14:21): *is slightly flustered* I'm nosy okay? I think you knew that already.
Det. Alex Eames (00:15:09): I know *smirks* That's why you're a good detective. How about keeping that nose to the case at hand?
Det. Bobby Goren (00:15:54): *scowls*
Det. Bobby Goren (00:16:01): You're not going to tell me.
Det. Alex Eames (00:16:12): *shakes her head* No.
Det. Bobby Goren (00:16:17): Dammit.
Det. Bobby Goren (00:16:20): Why not?
Det. Alex Eames (00:16:37): *shrugs* Because I'm not a gossip. You know that.
Det. Bobby Goren (00:17:26): Fine, fine... I'm fine as long as he doesn't come around again, leavig you love notes.
Det. Bobby Goren (00:17:32): *goes back to typing notes*
Det. Alex Eames (00:17:42): *snorts with laughter and goes back to her work*

aim log, david dresden, bobby goren

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