Oct 23, 2006 11:42
The whole idea of memories of summer makes you think of sunshine near the river, long warm evenings walking down suburban streets and some sort of frozen dairy treat clutched in the hand, melting. There is a kind of mythos around it that it can only be lived up to if you are in a John Hughes movie.
My summer memories are a little more, well, tangible-y, I guess. Pretty much, early on in high school, there was jamming with the band, learning to smoke pot in my parent’s basement with Devon and sipping warm Milwaukie’s Best stolen from the 7-11. I could pretty much sleep until noon and then do it all again. There was some book reading, but only of the type they would never let you read in school: Jack Kerouac, R. Crumb and Tom Wolfe.
Road trips were another one of those things I associate with summer. Didn’t really matter if it was 30 miles or 300, it was good just to take a break from the Sunnydale thing. Sometimes it was for a gig, but most of the time it was just because I felt like it. Summer was one of times where you just let it all ride, follow your instincts, mellowed out. School didn’t tie you down and you were just you.
Okay, maybe there was a couple of days where there was rivers, sunshine and ice cream. Probably with Will. She did a very good John Hughes day.
So summer-myth or reality? I am going to just go with a little bit of both.
Muse: Daniel "Oz" Osbourne
Verse: BtVS
Word Count: 263