Oct 24, 2008 21:54
Have I mentioned I hate Halloween?
Well now I have.
I hate Halloween.
Jay used to love it. MJ would dress him up in whatever was popular at the time. One year he was a Ninja Turtle, another year he was a…what’s-it…Power Ranger. Right. He wouldn’t take off the damn mask for a week. They’d have a party at school, he’d come home with loads of sweets, Mary Jane would take him around the block and he’d come home with even more loads of candy. That’s the only side of Halloween he ever saw.
I’m a cop. I see a very different side of Halloween.
I see candy laced with drugs, muggings and drive-bys done by assholes in vampire and goblin costumes, not to mention the more…cultivated…criminals who take full advantage of the chaotic atmosphere.
Back however long ago, the Church invented All Saints Day to counter-act the evil-doings of All Hallows Eve. Here in Gotham, where the crazies show their scarred or burlap-sacked faces in public, we don’t need a special holiday for madness, and we don’t get a special day to undo it all.
verse: eclecticmuses