Strange Dream-though mine usually are

Sep 14, 2008 21:41

I should have posted about this earlier, when it was fresher in my mind but I forgot, although I think I remember about as much as I did this morning.

I had a bizare dream last night As many of my dreams seem to do, this one sort of jumped around and I seemed to switch places/characters, so bear with me. The main jist of it was that I was some sort of army medic/nurse type person and along with another girl, was new to the job so we were sort of training/going to classes-there was a point we were wandering around the school building looking for our class, at another point we were running to a jeep or something because we had to go get somebody who was injured. However, we also had field training-yeah, in a war-and there was some guy who injured his leg horribly and like all the skin on his upper leg was coming off-though it wasn't horribly graphic, I mean you could tell what happened but it wasn't nearly as graphic as it would be in reality. I remember being really horrified for the person and scared and crying a bit because I felt bad or something-and at some point the other person and I were talking to Peter Wingfield-I think he was supposed to be Dan Clifford (surgeon character he played) and he thought it was sweet I was upset by the guy haha (in reality, if you know Clifford-I think he'd be pissed off by that ha) and apparently Hawkeye was also in my dream although not physically, I just recall a point where I thought that I should go work with him because apparently he only worked on patients who were under-and therefore not screaming in agony.

Thing is, it wasn't a scary dream really, more just 'what the hell????'
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