
Nov 22, 2009 23:06

It's coming up to that time of year where people start to put up Christmas decorations far too early. By the time it gets here, I'm gonna want to rip them all down. Hell, I want to do that now. It's too soon to hear about those jingle-f*cking-bells, thank you.

Sam is being carted off to Chicago for Thanksgiving. One of those damn family gathering things that I am so glad not to be part of. Trust me, it was never fun and I almost died of boredom at every holiday. I don't think Sam wants me there anyway, she seems to think I embarass her or something. *eyeroll*

And I forgot how time consuming it was looking at places to live. FYI, it's not fun either.


She knows I'm right, and I wouldn't have even suggested moving if she hadn't eluded to her struggling before and staying regardless. I'll keep looking even if she is being too stubborn about it. Sleep deprivation will eventually make her come to her senses. It'd be nice if she just admitted it, but then I can't talk. We're both very good at just not speaking about stuff, so she probably just thinks I'm being a hypocrite for trying to get her to let it out. Whatever. If nothing else, we can get some kind of fresh start going and maybe she'll feel better.

Damn. The beer bottle is still full, not even in my hand, and I'm already in a weird, wordy mood. Mindless TV time, I think.

alex eames, moving, samantha dresden, christmas, thanksgiving

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