... because he's an asshole.
Moritsune [12:36 A.M.]: lmao!
desireux eyes [12:36 A.M.]: About?
desireux eyes [12:36 A.M.]: LOL what
Moritsune [12:36 A.M.]: haha, fuck CY
Moritsune [12:36 A.M.]: anyway
Moritsune [12:36 A.M.]: yeah
Moritsune [12:36 A.M.]: leave me a story
desireux eyes [12:36 A.M.]: lmfao
desireux eyes [12:36 A.M.]: nigga im going to bed
desireux eyes [12:36 A.M.]: when am i supposed to write a story
Moritsune [12:36 A.M.]: now.
Moritsune [12:36 A.M.]: go.
Moritsune [12:37 A.M.]: afk.
desireux eyes [12:37 A.M.]:
http://youtube.com/watch?v=AB8VA1lAvPY desireux eyes [12:37 A.M.]: <^>
desireux eyes [12:37 A.M.]: No.
desireux eyes [12:37 A.M.]: >:|
desireux eyes [12:38 A.M.]: Wren of Zelan [12:37 A.M.]: for the record
Wren of Zelan [12:37 A.M.]: if you two want to sit around and chitter about whatever you're doing when you hang out, leave me out of it from now on.
Moritsune [12:39 A.M.]: lmao
Moritsune [12:39 A.M.]: he deserves it
desireux eyes [12:39 A.M.]: desireux eyes [12:38 A.M.]: Wtf. We were just engaging in conversation. Why the fuck do you have to be like that?
desireux eyes [12:39 A.M.]: If you're going to engage in conversation that has nothing to do with anyone else...leave them out of it.
Wren of Zelan [12:39 A.M.]:Moritsune [12:40 A.M.]: he a bitch.
desireux eyes [12:41 A.M.]: desireux eyes [12:41 A.M.]: WELL FUCK. I'm so very fucking sorry that you're ass is too cranky to be anything but a lamefuck asshole to anyone that isn't female who enters your room. Get a fucking sense of humor. Don't fucking sit there and try to guilt trip me over some bullshit. We were talking and being civil and when you started talking, we were including you in the conversation too.
desireux eyes [12:44 A.M.]: Wren of Zelan [12:42 A.M.]: You spent the whole time talking about pianos and shit the two of you were doing. Half the time I said anything, it was ignored.
desireux eyes [12:44 A.M.]: We never sat there and said, "LOLOL HEY CY COME BACK FROM IDLE AND KEEP READING OUR CONVERSATION." Fuck, man. It's a chat room. We weren't interrupting anything aside from just an empty fucking room. Seriously. What the fuck is the problem?
Moritsune [12:45 A.M.]: Haha
Moritsune [12:45 A.M.]: lonely people can sometimes be so picky
Moritsune [12:45 A.M.]: when what they once had
Moritsune [12:45 A.M.]: is all the sudden
Moritsune [12:45 A.M.]: gone!
desireux eyes [12:46 A.M.]: I guess. It's times like these that I don't feel so bad about PMS.
Moritsune [12:46 A.M.]: more power to you.
Moritsune [12:46 A.M.]: keep bitching him out.
Moritsune [12:46 A.M.]: and write me a story.
Moritsune [12:46 A.M.]: to supplement my honey nut cheerios.
desireux eyes [12:46 A.M.]: This should be a story enough.
Moritsune [12:46 A.M.]: and further prepare me for my practice session tomorrow.
Moritsune [12:46 A.M.]: ..
Moritsune [12:46 A.M.]: But i already read it. :(
Moritsune [12:46 A.M.]: just do a short one.
Moritsune [12:46 A.M.]: like 5 posts.
Moritsune [12:46 A.M.]: <3
Moritsune [12:46 A.M.]: night.
desireux eyes [12:46 A.M.]: LOL sigh. Night. <3
desireux eyes [12:48 A.M.]: Once upon a time, Cloud has'd a sword. He got it from his dead friend named Zack who was a ShinRa SOLDIER.
desireux eyes [12:48 A.M.]: That's one post.
desireux eyes [12:49 A.M.]: Okay actually, I'm going to just leave you with footage of my conversation with CY.
desireux eyes [1:06 A.M.]: Wren of Zelan [12:48 A.M.]: I went idle because it got boring talking to myself around your and bryan's conversation. And I'd tell you my problems, but you obviously don't seem to think they're worth hearing about.
Wren of Zelan [12:50 A.M.]: You two have fun. I've had enough bullshit to deal with this week that I got to drive 6 hours back and forth for the pleasure; I'm going to bed.
desireux eyes [12:50 A.M.]: You copped an attitude when I said I forgot something you told me like 4 years ago.
desireux eyes [1:06 A.M.]: desireux eyes [12:50 A.M.]: "Figures :\"
desireux eyes [12:50 A.M.]: Wtf is that
desireux eyes [12:51 A.M.]: Like I said, you're not the only one who has to deal with life's bullshit.
desireux eyes [12:51 A.M.]: Some people catch worse hell than others. I'm not without sympathy but when you sit there and imply that I'm being a shitty friend in general for forgetting something that someone ONLINE TOLD ME 4 YEARS AGO is just crap.
That's just life.
desireux eyes [12:53 A.M.]:desireux eyes [1:06 A.M.]: desireux eyes [12:56 A.M.]: The majority of people don't exactly live out that magical high school experience, but if you let shit circumstances hold you back and if you keep letting crap in your past serve as an excuse not to pursue something that could be fun or somehow beneficial to you, then idk you just need to do something about that.
desireux eyes [12:57 A.M.]: Instead of getting all cranky that people in the room that you HOLD THE BOLT TO are not catering to your conversation interests. I mean. Du
desireux eyes [1:07 A.M.]: Dude. People wouldn't give you a hard time if you didn't act like such a fucking dick so often.
desireux eyes [12:59 A.M.]: Back in the day, trying to control RP like it was something serious. If you would have just put your big kid pants on and didn't hold so many fucking grudges over trivial shit, like SERIOUSLY whatever. You're always talking shit to Bryan when he's around. Why the goddamn hell should he kiss your ass and have to EARN your respect?
Auto response from Moritsune [1:07 A.M.]: Moritsune is online but may be away from AOL right now.
desireux eyes [1:07 A.M.]: Wren of Zelan [1:00 A.M.]: If he doesn't want it, why does he care that he doesn't have it?
desireux eyes [1:00 A.M.]: He really doesn't give a flying fuck, honestly.
Wren of Zelan [1:00 A.M.]: And neither do I. Why is this relevant?
desireux eyes [1:01 A.M.]: But whenever you get all bitchy about stupid shit like this, people get a kick out of it.
desireux eyes [1:07 A.M.]: desireux eyes [1:01 A.M.]: So they continue it.
desireux eyes [1:01 A.M.]: And you look at it as harassment.
Wren of Zelan [1:02 A.M.]: I just really don't want to hear this obsessive bullshit about Music and how it makes everyone so fucking happy right now.
Wren of Zelan [1:02 A.M.]: I'm really not in the fucking mood for it
desireux eyes [1:02 A.M.]: We weren't being fucking obsessive.
desireux eyes [1:08 A.M.]: desireux eyes [1:04 A.M.]: Nothing else was being talked about. The most you were saying was shit like, "LOL OH THAT SNOWBALL AND APRIL NOT RPING TIFA OMG CYBER"
desireux eyes [1:04 A.M.]: I mean. Whatever. That gets old. We just moved the conversation along to something with substance, you got emo, and it was irritating.
Wren of Zelan [1:05 A.M.]: I'm going to bed. Go rant at Snowball.
Wren of Zelan signed off at 1:05 A.M.
Wren of Zelan is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.
desireux eyes [1:12 A.M.]: And in the end, CY remained the bitchboy. April kicked his AO_ass and went to bed... not necessarily feeling accomplished, but she drove the AO_monster back into the darkness of a parenthesized screen name on her buddylist which meant he either blocked her or signed off completely (read: AO_walkedawayfromthebeating) and... that's pretty much all that happened. In the days to follow, April will continue to wake up not really remembering her words and/or actions of the previous day and will press on through
desireux eyes [1:17 A.M.]: - life in her perpetually oblivious state (thus explaining the ongoing extreme curiosity and intrigue over the most miniscule things... at least miniscule to Graham because he simply does not understand that April indulges in the philosophy that "ignorance is bliss" when it comes to situations and other things that failure in won't be detrimental to her advancement in this world). She will wake up fifteen minutes too late, angry at herself for being an idiot and staying up until 1:30 to type this stupid
desireux eyes [1:21 A.M.]: - story about how life will not change in the mere seconds after CY signs off in her face because she is taking much, much enjoyment at making this huge fucking run-on sentence sound as interesting and in-depth as possible in order to keep Graham entertained as he chows him down some Honey Nut Cheerios swimming in organic milk which April is surprised that he even tolerates because according to his mother, he thinks that health food is the devil but since he has no choice, he will eat them cereal bits in
desireux eyes [1:25 A.M.]: - the chemical and pesticide-free (and whatever else organic implies) moo juice and reflect on all that the newly arrived day has to offer him. There's no telling at this point if he's cracking up or just reading this whilst drably eating his cereal of choice, but I hope he knows that at this point, April envies him because if he is eating cereal, he should savor it. His lovely female Asian friend will have no such nourishment prior to her commute to work because... well. It just came to her conscious
desireux eyes [1:32 A.M.]: thought moments ago that there is no milk in the refrigerator at this point in time. Not at her current place of residence, anyway. Perhaps in the fridge mere minutes away at some convenient or grocery store, there is a gallon of ice cold 2% milk sitting in a cooling device awaiting her arrival, dreaming of the moment where it can be poured from the confinement of its yellow or translucent container to cover and moisten her otherwise hard on the enamel grain and corn and oat flakes and clusters with a pinch
desireux eyes [1:35 A.M.]: - of honey on top. Long story short, I ran out of milk and that pisses me off, but it's okay because eating breakfast will cause me to want to vomit by lunchtime, SO IT'S COOL. I REALLY REALLY HOPE YOUR BREAKFAST IS TREATING YOU WELL. So anyway. As I was saying. Life will continue as it were, her triumph over the AO_beast just another retarded memory that she will not think back on fondly, basking in the sense of pride that came with the feat, but rather reacting with a sigh if the memory ever pushes
desireux eyes [1:39 A.M.]: - forth to her conscious memory ages and ages hence because that would mean that there was a lot of time she wasted senselessly on AOL to have ever even CARED to bitch someone out like that in the first place over something that lame to begin with and all in all it's just a lot of nonsense to begin with. Work will be shit tomorrow because April spent the morning sleeping in the office and eating cranberry trailmix the day before instead of doing the work she KNEW she should have been doing so she has to
desireux eyes [1:41 A.M.]: -double her efforts and catch up tomorrow. Which will be impossible because her boss is a dumbfuck and won't do anything but sit on his gay kitty-diggins ass instead of train his employees which in turn leaves April to do it because everything out of his mouth is a bunch of garbage anyways and no one ever understands a thing he says because he does nothing but beat around the bush like a fumbling dumbass and uses words like, "well, basically" and "just... essentially" and tries to use big words in hopes
desireux eyes [1:44 A.M.]: - that the people around him will be impressed because nothing else about him is particularly impressive about him (which... for the record... no one is impressed by his pseudointellectualism either because using a triangle next to the word 'price' to convey the message "change the price on this" and then turning around and asking me if "HUR HUR U KNOW WUT THE TRIANGLE HERE MEANS RIGHT??" "yeah it's ch---" "IT MEANS CHANGE. IT'S THE GREEK SYMBOL FOR CHANGE LOL" is not only coming across as borderline cocky
desireux eyes [1:53 A.M.]: - to begin with - but when you cut me off as I'm trying to steal your moment of glory in the smertness department by telling you that I learned that in 6th grade science and that his lazy 'shorthand' is retarded anyway - you're also making yourself look like a fucking fool and further justifying your subordinates' reasonings for assuming that your wife doesn't put out for you because you just plain suck) when in reality... your stupidity is only wasting time because people go to April ANYWAY to get things
desireux eyes [1:57 A.M.]: - clarified just because you're making a spectacle of trying to awesomenate yourself when you really should just STFU and let me or someone else who doesn't need to sit there and prove something to another nobody in the crowd just cut to the chase and explain it in plain simpleton English because WE ARE NOT WORTHY the rest of us don't like wasting other people's goddamn time. So after work, she will be calm and collected again and hopefully not ready to spontaneously gangstafy and pop caps
desireux eyes [2:00 A.M.]: - in random nanjas around the hood because she's really just a nice, peace-loving halfAsian who wants to chill out, talk to the boyfriend on the phone for a minute, then unwind before pissing herself off again in pursuit of piano virtuosity that will never happen but it's nice to have dreams~ And that is where the story ends as far as my solo activities throughout the day. From there, it will be up to you to finish this chapter of my life, Graham. Well. Provided I even make it out there tomorrow. Just for
desireux eyes [2:02 A.M.]: - the record, I am never writing something as epic as this ever. Ever Again. I hope you enjoyed reading this because I feel like a jackass for doing this in the first place. Don't choke on your chem-free cow lactation. No, seriously. Don't. I'll actually feel bad. Or I'll find it hilarious if you actually do and tell me about it later. I don't know. It's too early to tell how I'll react.
. desireux eyes [2:02 A.M.]: Any way.
desireux eyes [2:02 A.M.]: Point is.
desireux eyes [2:02 A.M.]: I'm going to bed.
desireux eyes [2:02 A.M.]: Good night.