
May 12, 2010 15:48

You guys.

I got to hold a baby raccoon this afternoon. ;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;;;;;;;;;;;

Some guys came to the school with a mother raccoon in a cage and her litter in a separate box, I guess so the kids could see them. I went out front and they were there during cleaning time, and I all but freaked out. O_O And one guy is like HERE, HOLD ONE, and puts one of the babies in my hands. O_O;;;;;;;;;;;

OH MY GOD WITH THE FLUFFY AND THE LITTLE CHIRPING NOISES. SO FREAKIN' CUTE. I hugged it to my chest and it kind of crawled around, on my arms and up onto my shoulder, making the tiny chirps into my ear. XDDDDDD

The mother looked understandably afraid, and I felt kinda bad for them, but as long as they were being well cared for I guess they're ok. I can't tell you how much I wanted to take the chirping, snuffling bundle home with me, though. ;;;;_;;;;

animals, yay, d is a sucker

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