Finally watched Avatar.

Apr 23, 2010 22:53

And it was funny, because I had no idea Sigourney Weaver was in it.

So because it's James Cameron and I can't help it, I'm looking for similarities to Aliens.

Ah, cryo pods, check. Annoying military guys, check. A "company" wanting to fuck with the resident aliens in some way... check. Er.. aliens, check.

Then Sigourney Weaver pops out of the driver pod and I almost wet my pants. XDDDD Ripley, check.
I think it's funny that Cameron didn't want to re-cast one of the support cast from Aliens in ADDITION to Weaver because he didn't want it to be Aliens again, but LULZ. Isn't she enough?

But I was really pissed off they killed her (Grace). What the FUCK? I was starting to like her character. >_< They just had to do it to make a convenient plot device to use later on... while adding some suspense about the whole thing being infallible. --;
So sure, it was good. I don't think I can watch it again anytime soon, though, cuz it's pretty exhausting to get through. --;

But I am really REALLY excited about the little tidbits Ridley Scott is letting out about the Alien prequel. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. He mentioned a possible redesign of the aliens, which better not be TOO extreme, or it'll annoy me. They're lovely and gracefully frightening as is, thanks. Especially the Resurrection incarnations.
And he's leaning towards keeping the lead a woman. THANK YOU, SIR. Very important element if he's going to keep the same mess-wit-j00 mindfuck element the original film has. If you don't know what I'm talking about, though.... either see the film, or be happy you're not as insanely psychoanalytical as I am. --;

alien, movies, d is a little crazy, fangirl is fangirling

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