Cuz foreign girls, like, NEVER stand out clopping around in geta.

Mar 03, 2008 21:26

Okay, more fandom to report. This may be worse than the Neuro business...

Please watch/read Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei. It is GREAT. I found it a while ago poking around in some manga archives, and when I saw that it had been animated I decided to try some of that first. The main character, Nozomu, is hopelessly hot in his megane-ness... in fact, I may make Megane-Hotness-Sensei wear kimono and hakama to work, for he looks a LOT like Nozomu (actually, he looks EXACTLY like Nozomu's brother, the one who's a doctor XD it's the slightly shorter haircut).

It doesn't help that the story (Nozomu is obsessed with suicide) is ringing true with me lately. --; I pass railroad tracks on my way to school; perhaps if I tried to throw myself on them I'd have two or three of my own students dragging me off and begging me for more crappy manga. >_<;;; At least I wouldn't have to face F anymore and let him drive me crazy with his "I like you and I act like I like you A LOT but I don't let on if I DO like you like that," thing. Oo;;

(Yes, suicide is a serious matter. I don't joke about it when it's really a threat. I'd be more likely to go back to cutting, personally. --;)

The series is also great cuz it's flavored with earlyish Showa (WTF? Meiji-era?) design and culture (Nozomu's clothes for starters. Siiiiiigh). It makes me want to go buy myself the formal kimono i've wanted for years, and new geta. --;

Also--and this is why those train tracks are tempting--as soon as I left school today the sunny skies clouded and within a minute it was POURING. When I got home I was soaked through. -- I have said this before... but this is not the first time this has happened. CURSED.

I did come across two good drinks today that I will prolly become addicted to. One is a warm yuzu juice drink that Coke puts out here (Hachimitsu Yuzu, I think), and the other I have here now.. it's something called Koume Soda, and I chose it cuz I was on a Showa-style art high and the bottle is covered with it XD. Suntory/Lotte make it. It tastes like love. XD


japan, fangirly stuff, angst, grar

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