....Why is my fandom all demons and vampires? Oo;

Mar 01, 2008 23:23

Ehehheh. FANDOM. I have spent the slothful parts of last night and today watching Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro and enjoying the sadistic weirdness of it. I haven't gotten into a new series in a while, so this is kind of fun.
I am also watching more of the Ultimate Hellsing series, and it's sooooooo good. XD The animation is so gorgeous. They moved some things around in the story (such as Alucard's dream emo), but it hasn't harmed it. I will continue to leech; I can't wait to see stuff that we didn't get in the anime last time around, like RIP and PIP. Oo;;

Also getting caught up on some movies I wanted to see. Today I watched Juno, and yeah... I didn't really like it too much. It reminded me kind of the Gilmore Girls but the girl in the title role is kind of moronic and rude; the way she talks to people sometimes it's like she has her head so far up her ass that she only THINKS she's being clever; I would be more impressed if she was actually acting like she's relating to these people she's talking to. And the dialogue between her and her (girl) friend is kind of fad-laden and annoying in places. The story isn't bad, but it's nothing really off the wall.
I really think i'd rather have watched the Coen brothers' stuff... :P'

Today was not a total sloth-out... Ktea mailed me and I met her and Suzanne to check out this small festival they're having for hina matsuri (doll festival; the actual day for it is monday). We wandered and looked at some displays of really old dolls, and locals practiced English on us. Oo; Eventually we lapsed into Japanese, though, and I started to freak people out again. --; I need to start warning people that I can't really speak a ton, even if they think I sound like a native speaker... that gets me into a lot of trouble. >_<;
After the wandering, we went to a small bakery in town and had carbs. Japanese bakeries are GREAT. :3 Watch me gain back the weight...

I got home and slept a lonnnng time. And since I have gotten up, I have been very thirsty. -- I am nearly out of juice AND milk, and am just drinking water for now. I wasn't sure why I want to drink so much, but I feel scratchiness creeping into my throat and have a headache... so it's either allergies surfacing or once again a cold is trying to get me (although i've eluded them pretty well so far; it doesn't get past this point).

And holy crap, it's going on midnight. Bath time.

japan, fangirly stuff, health stuff, holiday

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