Kiri without the yama.

Dec 27, 2007 10:58

I like Japan. When I got here, I turned on the TV and Bleach was on. Followed by a commercial for Canon starring Odagiri Joe being hot. The Joe commercial has gone away now it seems ;_; but not long after that a telephone service commercial started to run... with Toyohara Kousuke. XD うれしい!

I also LOVE the commercials with the SoftBank dog (a white Akita who talks). On Christmas Day they had a whole long ad with him singing Silent Night in the entirety of its first verse. I was tremendously entertained.

Today is really bloody cold. I wanted to stay in bed. It was really foggy this morning and my face was pretty frozen when I got to school. But tomorrow it's supposed to rain and I am not looking forward to biking in that at all. I bought a rainsuit that kind of fits, but still. No one likes going around looking like a big, wet eggplant. --

I went with two other senseis out to the garden earlier to set up some grass bunches to protect a row of spinach from the cold. While we were out there, they had me choose some of the more mature spinach and a small daikon to take home and cook. ;;;;-;;;; I will make pickles, salad and daikon miso soup.

japan, fangirly stuff, yay

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