Jun 08, 2007 11:16

I leave for Utah tomorrow.



Okay, so i've decided that if this is going to be the last movie ever, then i'm kind of dissatisfied with the whole thing. But if they're going to continue, I might be persuaded to forgive Jerry Bruckheimer.

The List of "What?":
- Killing off Norrington and Governor Swann is, like, way easier than trying to fit them into the plot. I mean, the story is already complicated; can't they find a way to resolve the Norrington thing and let Elizabeth keep her father, for God's sake?

- Killing off Davy Jones/Returning "Calypso" to her original form with almost NO RESOLUTION TO THEIR ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP WHATSOEVER. Auuugh, they made a big deal out of it and then they didn't have some kind of mushy ending/reunion thing. I wanted to see Davy look all human for more than a minute, too. Oo;

- The beginning execution sequence is way too long. And did you notice the boy has braces? Ye old dentistry was pretty advanced. --

- Way too much "Jack is crazy". It's funny for a minute or two, but don't let it go on with him interacting with himself. Jack is much more entertaining when you watch other people deal with his weirdness.

- The slow-motion Matrix Blowing-up-boat Norbitt (is that his name? I keep thinking of him as Mr. Collins in the newest Pride & Prejudice) Death Scene. That was just dumb.

- Coming up with Chow-Yun Fat's character and then using him mostly as a pawn to elevate Elizabeth to a Pirate Lord. And did you notice that EVERYONE Elizabeth kisses DIES?? It's hilarious. I wonder if it was planned.

- And the biggest offender of all, possibly.... the splitting of Elizabeth and Will according to the law of the Flying Dutchman. It was a better alternative to just having Will die, yes, but this could have been resolved in a different way. One that wouldn't make my friends so crabby. ^^;
And although it's nice we get that extra scene after the credits, with Will returning 10 years later to Elizabeth and their son(!), the writers have not made it clear if Will's attachment to the Dutchman is permanent, or of the 10-years'-service variety that Davy Jones spoke of. And if the latter, would Will's father take over? It's frustrating not to know for sure what they meant.

So now...the List of YAAAY:

- Barbossa. Dear lord, that man is gaining on Jack with me for Favorite Character. He's definitely become my Other Favorite Character, based solely on him retaining his personality throughout the trilogy, and being very giggly when his boat is about to fall victim to the end of the world/maelstroms/stuff that would scare most people shitless. And for the love of God, I want that man's frock coat. I love the brocade and the open sleeves. *_*

- Jack not dying. And being up to something at the end of the movie, although it's going to be frustrating if they DON'T make a film on him going after the Fountain of Youth and stealing the Pearl back from Barbossa (again).

- The effects and costuming in general. Fantastic. I cling to my sewing machine in the hopes that someday I will make such luberly beauty with it.

- The Boat-Guarding Guys returning.. and becoming pirates. XD

- Jack the Monkey not being as scary as usual. He was rather cute, actually.

So i'm glad I saw it, unlike some people. I would watch it again to gather all the plot threads up more firmly in my hands. -- But there shall be ranting on it for some time to come, i'm sure.

Now it's time to do a pile of stuff, go pretend to work for a few hours, do more stuff, pack, and plead with God not to let my airplanes crash. >_<;

fangirly stuff, pirates, boss, rants

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