A Fortune Sim with a LTW of earning $100,000. Piece of cake? Yeah, I think so too. She is actually my very first legacy. The children and I created her the other day and have decided to participate in this whole legacy challenge thing. Of course, we probably won't keep track of the points or anything, but it's still exciting!
This is her house. Ok, so the whole starting off on a 5x5 lot isn't the easiest thing in the world. Can't even buy her wallpaper or flooring. *sigh*
She's so preeeettyy
But, um...she's not the most graceful.
A gift from Mr. Humble! I wonder what it could be!!! *rolls eyes* Notice the beautiful furnishings inside the house. Aww. One day, Asia, one day.
Christy: Hi, nice to meet you!
Asia: That outfit is hideous.
The first sim she came in contact with. Best friends maybe?
Asia: I LOVE eggs! I dream about eggs. I could eat eggs all the time! Mmmm, eggs.
Christy: Me too! I love eggs too! I do!
Benjamin: I love me
Trisha: Have you read that new book that's out?
Asia: What the hell is a book?
Asia's very first friend.
They even catch boots together
Asia: Do you guys like my kitchen?
Asia: Will you marry me and help me build my legacy?
So Asia met a few men in town...
But she didn't really feel any sparks
Well of course she liked a sim from my other family. Grr.
Fishing all by her lonesome self. How sad
Yeah, your skinny ass better be catching some fish. You don't have any money for food
I was hoping she would hit it off with someone from The Love Park. I mean, the name itself gets your hopes up
But she didn't.
Asia: Ok, who is the man and why is he following me??
Kennedy: I just wanted to stick my finger up...
Asia: Goodbye!
Asia: It's hopeless!!! I can't seem to find the right one, Jill. I mean, I know he's out there. He's gotta be! I feel it. He's probably in this room right now. What do I do?
Jill: Do I know you?
Talin: So the bartender walks out right after saying, "Don't worry, I live with an elephant."
Asia: Ohhhhhhh!!! That's so funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Waiter: Wtf
Take it easy girl...I know your clock is ticking.....
Asia: He's so dreamy when he's laughing at me. Wait. Did I say something funny?
Talin: Mmm, I love manequin heads with black hair
Asia: So...do you, uh...want to...um...well, uh....you know....
Talin: Go bowling???
Asia: Oh...right.
So it turned out that Asia wasn't that great at bowling and Talin was. It didn't help either that Talin kep laughing at her when she fell. What a guy.
She didn't care though.
Ohhhh, that's why.
A kiss goodnight
The next day, Asia was promoted to Nurse. You go girl.
And when she returned home from work, she received a love note from Talin. Awww. She knew it was time for Date #2!
Asia: How do I look?
Not enough cleavage.
Asia: How about from this angle?
Much better.
They missed each other
They started the date off great by taking a romantic picture of themselves.
Asia: I look so pretty!
Yes Asia, you do.
Asia: Do you think I'm pretty?
Talin *What's gonna get me lucky, what's gonna get me lucky* You look beautiful
Good job, Talin
It kind of creeped her out that he sat right next to her. He kept talking to her, but she just kept to her drink
But she got over it. Um, you don't have to blow the kiss, sweetheart. He's right next to you.
Talin: So I would like to buy you a pearl necklace
Asia: *chokes on food*
They are so conservative
What's a date without Mrs. Crumplebottom showing up and wacking the piss out of you with her purse?
Another love note
So she invited him over to her place and ended up asking him to move in. He moved in with $12,000 and something with him. Eh. Could have been better. But all we care about is Asia's happiness right? *looks away*
So another family member has been on Asia's mind lately. She would like a little baby to take care of. But Talin seems to only care about playing chess....
Oh and his OTHER GIRLFRIEND that Asia seems to not know about!!
Poor Asia. I don't think she's going to handle this one too well when she finds out. I don't know what part is going to kill her more. The fact that he has another girlfriend or the fact that she's butt ugly!
Will Asia find out about the other fugly girlfriend before it's too late?
If she does, will she forgive Talin?
More to come!