May 12, 2006 02:46
so as i've been successfully procrastinating, i've been pondering all but things involving veterinary public health... which brings me to my random question for the day:
next week i'm getting my hair cut so that i can donate it to locks of love. 10 inches is alot of hair to cut off... normally i'm fairly unpicky in terms of where i go to get my haircut because, lets be honest, it DOES grow back. that being said....
anyone have any especially good experiences with hair salons in philly or possibly can recommend me a good one that won't make me look like a moron (i know what you're thinking... i already look like a moron... blah....)
any and all suggestions, first or second hand, are greatly appreciated.
now back to studying. i can't remember the last time i slept. only 7 days until finals are over. THANK GOD!